
Ebird hotspots Ecuador

Wayra Reserve, Concierto de las aves, Rio Quijos lodge, La Brisa, Guango lodge, Guacamayos, San Isidro.

Mindo Bird Watching Tours

The Western part of Ecuador offers a vast ebird hotspots / mindo bird sanctuary. The area for birding is a Mindo bird paradise tour.


Birds Ecuador - East

Ecuador ebird hotspots

The number of birds found in the Eastern part of Ecuador are inmense. In our bird photography tours we try just to visit the Upper Amazon of Ecuador by the East.

This portion of Ecuador, the East is of a valuable photographic interest. There are community and private wildlife bird reserves, people with entrepreneurship in showing birds in bird feeders or bir sanctuaries. Below I am going to mention the birds of Ecuador of the Eastern part seen in the Upper Amazon:
Bird places for photography such as the bird concert in Borja, Rio Quijos lodge in Borja, la Brisa in Baeza, Wayra reserve in Archidona.

Birds of the East of Ecuador - the most common

Andean cock of the rock of the East, green jay, gray tinamou, scarlet rumped cacique, andean motmot, white throated quail dove, torrent duck, giant hummingbird, chestnut breasted coronet, peruvian racket tail, green back hillstar, gorgeted woodstar, tourmaline sunangel, long tailed sylph, rainbow bearded thornbill, tyrian metaltail, golden breasted puffleg, shining sunbeam, bronzy inca, mountain velvet breast, gray breasted mountain toucan, barred fruiteater, chestnut bellied thrush, yellow breasted brushfinch, russet back oropendola.
Birds of Antisana: Andean condor, ecuadorian hillstar, red crested cotinga, black and green trainbearer, peregrine falcon, variable hawk, harris's hawk, carunculated caracara, aplomado falcon, american kestrel, slate colored coot, noble snipe, andean gull, andean lapwing, silvery grebe, andean duck, andean teal, yellow billed pintail, black chested buzzard eagle, andean ibis, cinereous conebill, rusty flowerpiercer, silvery greebe, paramo pipit, plain capped ground tyrant, tawny antpitta, streak backed canastero,

Ecuador Bird Photography Tours

Our all inclusived private bird tour package of 05 Days is based on our experience of bird photography.
If you want to combine this East with the West part then we offer 3 days East and 3 days West bird tour package ading in between 01 day of the highlands of Antisana bird photography tour.
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