Ebird hotspots - Birding places

yanacocha guided birding tour


Private reserve of 1079 hectares with a temperature of 8 to 19 degrees celsius, at an elevation of 3200 to 4400 meters above sea level. Birds that can be observed among others are the sword-billed hummingbird, equatorial antpitta, chestnut-naped antpitta, scarlet bellied mountain tanager, black-tailed trainbearer, blackish tapaculo, ocelated tapaculo, etc.

mindo guided birding tour


The subtropical valley of Tandayapa with an elevation of 1400 to 1700 meters above sea level. Many small private reserves as well as bird lodges are located here in this valley. The plate-billed mountain toucan, blue-necked tanager, golden-headed quetzal, crested-headed quetzal, russet backed oropendola, white-capped dipper, among other birds can be found here.



Mashpi is an area located between the subtropics and cloud forest with a large number of bird species endemic to the Andean Choco. Protected natural area with the purpose of conserving and protecting the last remnants of green forests. Birds like the glistening green tanager, scaled antpitta, rose-faced parrot, orange-breasted fruiteater, etc can be found here.

milpe birding tour


At an elevation of 1100 meters above sea level and with a record of more than 150 species of birds such as the club winged manakin, hook billed kite, maroon tailed parakeet, bay headed tanager, yellow throated toucan, banded ground cuckoo, choco toucan, laughing falcon, etc.

mindo guided birding tour

Pedro V. Maldonado

Located near the Silanche private reserve. At an elevation of 640 meters above sea level. A county growing in birdwatching. The birds that can be seen are orange-fronted barbet, scarlet-backed woodpecker, choco tyrannulet, dusky-faced tanager, long bill startthroat, bronzy hermit, etc.

23 de junio birding

23 de Junio

An small enclosure located at an elevation of 1126 meters above sea level. The emblematic bird here is the long-wattled umbrella bird, crested guan, collared forest falcon, ornate hawk eagle, bronze winged parrot, black solitaire, beryl spangled tanager, etc.

Birding & Photography

mindo birding tour



This hobby is more developed as leisure. It is the art of recognizing different species of birds by their taxonomy with criteria such as their plumage or song, among other factors. Many simply create lists showing the number of birds that flock to a particular area while others keep a list of all the species they have ever seen.
Which kind of binoculars, the 8x42 or 10x42 ?
If you have steady hands, or do the kind of birding that requires long-distance viewing (e.g., hawk watching, sea watching), then 10x might be best for you. 8x is a nice compromise! Many binocular manufacturers have settled on 8x as the standard for general birding. According with Audubon.org.

mindo bird photography tour



Bird photography is a very valuable resource to illustrate our observations. Bird feeders are a useful way to attract photography subjects. Nowadays the possibility of taking photos of birds and fauna has become much more accessible due to incredible technological advances. To capture animals in motion, it is optimal to increase the shutter speed to freeze the moment.
A good camera should have a high number of pixels and be a full frame are the first recommendations for bird photography. Maybe also say that the fps (frames per second) be high up to 30fps, however some 9fps cameras, if configured it well, work very well.
DSLR or Mirrorless camera ?
Both DSLR and mirrorless cameras are great for bird photography. (They're both definitely better than any superzoom camera since interchangeable lenses and fast focusing are critical for serious bird photography.) It's really all about finding a camera that fits your requirements and shooting style. According with Conservation Visuals.com.