about richard hernandez mindo bird photo tour

Richard Hernandez

Richard is a National Certified guide by the Ministery of Tourism of Ecuador. He started to work as a professional guide of Cultural and Historical tours of Quito old town, Otavalo indigenous market/city to international Travel Agencies like Lindblad Expeditions group, Thomas Cook, Cox & Kings, Adventure Assosiates, Journey Latin America, House of Travel, among others. He worked as a free lance guide for the well reputable Metropolitan Touring Travel Agency of Ecuador.

Mindo Bird Watching Tours

The Western part of Ecuador offers a vast ebird hotspots / mindo bird sanctuary. The area for birding is a Mindo bird paradise tour.

about richard hernandez mindobirdphoto

About Richard Hernandez

His first years

All that experience acquired at the end of his career as a freelance guide in 2009. But not everything was easy for Richard when he started in 2001 Richard was just a bilingual tourist car driver until in 2003 he found the opportunity to work for GAP adventures (G Adventures now), then he had the requirement to study tourism to be a certified guide. His first agencies at that time were small local agencies in Ecuador such as Pam tours, Sangay touring, and then with acquired experience he worked for a little larger agencies such as Adventure Life, Andando tours, Hacienda Manteles, Hacienda Yanahurco, so Richard later began to train in Botany studies, becoming certified as a level 3 naturalist guide. At that time, today he is in the SIB (biodiversity information system). Since Richard became independent he worked very hard, he trained himself in bird watching and today he trains himself in bird photography. Richard is very grateful to Ron Long (retired University Professor of Photography) Ron, as one of his clients, discovered in Richard during an 18 day bird photography tour in Ecuador, a potential in Richard to very quickly understand the art of capturing an image at through the lens of a camera. Impressive as this now in his forties has grown during nearly 25 years of career in the wonderful industry of international tourism.

Richard - Bird Guide

One of my first contacts with nature was the Botany, I understood without realizing what the silent work of plants for birds is like. In fact, my tours done after the cultural history tours, were or sometimes still are of hiking and birding made-makes me reach beautiful places, places and without being at that time - 2009- an expert or at least a basic birder, made me awaken the curiosity to observe, look carefully at their behavior and habitat.
I appeal to all people in love of birds two very important things. First, please support to legally/formal Wildlife Reserves, there are some that i have listed previously, visit them and ensure that the money you paid is well invested, supporting bird life consevancy wild life reserves of Ecuador. And second, please respect, try not to cause an ecological impact in the bird watching areas, like if is a chance no to use the laser pointer, not using a lot of flash or even multiflash (the worst in my opinion) and let other visitors (to see the birds) visiting the same place where you are. Be nice and may be nature will retribute you with the view or photograph of a great bird afterwards.

Ecuador, a South American country so small but so rich in birdlife, with the most sincere gratitude and consideration to all educational and environmental conservation foundations such as: Cornell University, WWF, Bird Life International, Jocotoco org. and MCF org. Conserva Aves: Audubon, American Bird Conservancy, REDLAC network of environmental funds from Latin America and the Caribbean. Thanks to you, Mr. birdwatcher guides, nature lovers and bird photographers. And all the naturalist guides, birdwatchers and reserve owners, entrepreneurs, bird feeders, thank you all very much for being together in the wonderful world of birds.

Richard - Bird Photography

Actually what I love to do is be in nature surrounded by so much wonder and among these wonders I find a member of the ecosystem and they are birds. The forest needs birds. I want to transmit through the lens of a camera, the beauty, the beauty and the extraordinary work of birds, admired how they are so beautiful and so fragile. They are some of the first creatures to be affected by the ecological impact made by the number one predator... humans. I sincerely want the people I have the pleasure of knowing to allow themselves to know just a little about birds and for those who already know them to learn to know our limits between them and us as humans.
Contact us to info@mindobirdphotographytour.com